العنف ضد الاطفال


بقلم باجا يوسف/ علم النفس الاكلنيكي

العنف ضد الاطفال

ينتج تعنيف الأطفال من إيذائهم جسدياً أو عاطفياً أو جنسياً. على الرغم من أن تعنيف الأطفال عادة ما يكون على شكل فعل، إلا أنه قد ينتج كذلك من الامتناع عن القيام بفعلٍ ما، كما هو الحال في الإهمال، تعنيف الأطفال منتشر بشكل أوسع مما يمكن أن نتوقع، وهو يحدث في كل الثقافات والأعراق والطبقات الاجتماعية. تعنيف الأطفال بأنواعه (الجسدي والجنسي والعاطفي/اللفظي)، وكذلك الإهمال، قد يتسبب بأذىً دائم لدى الطفل، والوفاة في بعض الحالات و يشمل التعنيف الجسدي الإيذاء المتعمد كالضرب، واللجوء لوسائل عنيفة أخرى كالحرق أو كسر العظام،، أما التعنيف اللفظي، فهو يشمل على سبيل المثال، التقليل من شعور الطفل بقيمته، أو تهديده بالعنف البدني أو الجنسي. جميع هذه الوسائل بإمكانها ترك ضرر نفسي وعاطفي دائم على الطفل ليس من السهل دائماً معرفة إذا ما كان الطفل يتعرض للتعنيف أم لا، في معظم الأحوال، فإن الطفل المعنف يخاف من تقديم شكوى أو الإبلاغ عما يحصل له خوفاً من أن يتم لومه أو ألا يصدقه أحد.

علامات التعنيف البدني: أي جروحٍ، أو رضوضٍ، أو حروقٍ، أو كسورٍ خاصةً في منطقة الرأس أو البطن، وبالأخص تلك التي لا يمكن تفسيرها.
علامات التعنيف الجنسي: سلوك ينم عن الخوف (تكرار حصول الكوابيس، علامات الاكتئاب، محاولات للهرب من المنزل)، آلامٌ في البطن، التبول اللاإرادي، التهابات المسالك البولية، آلامٌ أو نزيف في الأعضاء التناسلية، علاماتٌ لمرض متناقل جنسياً و/أو سلوك جنسيٌ غير معتادٍ أو مناسب لعمر ذلك الطفل.
– علامات التعنيف العاطفي: التغيير المفاجئ في ثقة الطفل بنفسه، آلامٌ في الرأس أو البطن بلا سببٍ طبي واضح، مخاوف غريبة وغير معتادة، أو محاولاتٌ للهرب.
إذا ما شككت بأن طفلك، أو طفلاً ما تعرفه، قد تعرّض للتعنيف أو سوء المعاملة، فيجب عليك الاتصال فوراً بطبيب مختص في طب الأطفال، أو بأي هيئة مختصة في حماية الأطفال.
في جميع الأحوال، فإن سلامة الطفل الجسدية والنفسية هي الأولوية الأولى، لذلك، يجب الحرص على وجود الطفل في بيئة آمنة، خالية من أي احتمالية لاستمرار العنف ضده بكل أشكاله

Information about Marriages — Women With regards to Marriage

It’s hard to choose the right phrases when you are taking into consideration a relationship with a Latino woman intended for marriage. Many not understand what it is that a Latina woman needs out of life. It’s because the way of life of the Latin ladies are so different from the American women. They worth their chastity, their libido, and principally their conservative values. Thus if you’re looking for a long term marriage that can lead to a family, afterward it’s very essential that you understand their very own priorities and what they want within a relationship.

When choosing a Latina female for relationship, you have to understand that the bride will be a person who will have responsibilities for her family as well as her spouse. She may well have many responsibilities to perform just like caring for children, preparing foods, and other household jobs. Its for these reasons a young person who is simply graduating from secondary school or school should not be regarded as an early durchgang into relationship. The new woman needs to be held in the dark regarding every little thing that happens during the marital relationship. She cannot be allowed to be involved in decisions about what the modern family will perform or the particular bride’s purpose will be.

Marriage for several Latin ladies may be a process of supplying honor to the man who have married her. This is often done by having a wedding wedding service that is entirely in The spanish language with no English speakers. This is due to the bride-to-be feels that it honors the groom once she does indeed so. Many Latin American cultures enjoy marriage like a partnership and a living contract between two parties. The bride is certainly giving this to her spouse on the silver plate.

In the us, there are so many several brides online dating services services that you can not look pressured in doing something that you may not desire. If the star of the event does not want a traditional wedding then a bride must not be expected to stop her right to choose her own other half. The bride can choose to embellish a top, a dress or maybe a suit on her own volition.

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If you are a male Latin woman trying to find your life spouse, you should be aware that we now have many types of Latino women with respect to marriage. You will need to realize that the matrimonial industry is based upon sex appeal more than sexy costa rican women anything else. In order that you will get the second look should be to show that you will be sexually appealing to other males. Most men you don’t have a problem with this type of Latino woman since of her desirability.

The online world offers countless information about relationship and online dating for men and Latin women of all ages. You should avail all of this information. Make sure that you discover a service which fits your wants. The services must also provide you with a means of communication so as to get the help you need if you think uncomfortable in the marriage. These are a few things that you can do to ensure that you generate a good choice with regards to a place to marry a Latina woman with regards to marriage.

Sugar Daddy For Women — Tips For Finding the Best Sugar Daddy Websites

The best sugar daddy websites Quarterly report has to offer is included with high end folks looking for a prolonged sugar daddy. Some are guys who have been doing work for decades and they are generally just trying to find someone to show their lifestyle with. Additional men are fresh out of college and haven’t uncovered the right female yet. Lots of men just prefer some physical companionship. The very best sugar daddy websites have all these guys in mind and are wedding caterers to them on a daily basis.

If you’ve ever surfed the net you’ve probably seen a few sites that are specialized in helping persons find the best sugar daddy websites. Nonetheless most of them make you hanging with regards to actually signing up and becoming a member. There are numerous them on the web that bill a small joining fee but typically give you greatly information on how to really contact them. A lot of them is not going to even have ways to get in touch with additional men.

The best website is different. It’s a website that is designed and kept by older guys who wish to help others find their very own perfect sugar daddy. Really their job to make sure that the web page is always gonna be at this time there for younger men. Should you ever get disheartened because you are feeling like all of those other sites on the internet are only trying to sell you something, then you should certainly sign up as of this sugar daddy site.

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You may also browse through the forum on this particular webpage. There are lively members so, who are willing to help you get off the ground and start working with a good sugar daddy. It’s a great place to get recommendations, get pumped up about your future with a sugar daddy, and meet various other men.

One of the best features that you should look for excellent customer service. It’s important to have an individual presently there twenty-four several hours a day 7 days a week to reply to any problems that you might best money app for sugar babies https://sugardaddyaustralia.org/blog/best-methods-for-sending-and-receiving-sugar-baby-allowance/ have about getting in touch with the sugar daddy. Great purchaser assistance is something which can be found in almost every site out there, but not on every one of them. If you are seriously interested in getting into a relationship with a man, then you need to make sure that he knows that you are serious about finding him the best sugar daddy possible.

Finally, you want to make certain your sugar daddy site features plenty of pics of the glucose baby. Many guys think that they have to have a of themselves to show that they will be the perfect sugar baby. They forget that a real sugardaddy will want to check out actual physical proof that he has a terrific child. Is actually absolutely necessary to acquire lots of photos of your glucose baby through the early stages with their life so that potential suitors will be able to observe how adorable they really are. If you have the rest going for you, then your sugar dad site will surely be the very best sugar daddy for you personally.